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Contact us

You can contact Nestlé Pensions in one of the following ways:

Write to:

Nestlé Pensions
1 City Place
United Kingdom


Call us:

From the UK:

(0208) 667 6363
08459 243444 (calls charged at local rate only)

Phone lines are open 9am - 5pm

From outside the UK:

+44 208 667 6363


If things go wrong

If you have any queries about the Fund or your benefits, please write to Nestlé Pensions who will always try to provide a quick and accurate response. However, if you aren’t satisfied with the response you get, the Fund operates a formal internal dispute resolution procedure to resolve any disputes between the Fund and its members, prospective members and beneficiaries.

When you contact Nestlé Pensions, you’ll need to ask for an application form to submit your complaint for consideration. You will get a written decision and explanation, where possible, within two months. If you are still not satisfied, you have six months to appeal to the Trustee Board in a stage 2 application. The Trustee will normally try to get back to you within four months. If you aren’t satisfied with the Trustee’s decision, you can refer your complaint to the Pensions Ombudsman.

The Pensions Ombudsman

The Pensions Ombudsman is an independent organisation which was set up to investigate complaints about pension administration. It has the legal powers to make decisions that are final, binding and enforceable in court. If you would like to complain to the Ombudsman, you need to contact them within three years of the event that you are complaining about. They will then work to:

  • investigate the case,
  • establish the facts, and
  • make a decision

You can contact them using the details below:

Tel: 0800 917 4487



The Pensions Ombudsman,
10 South Colonnade,
Canary Wharf,
E14 4PU

Useful contacts

The Pensions Regulator

The Pensions Regulator regulates how occupational pension arrangements like the Fund are run, and can intervene if trustees, employers or professional advisers have failed in their duties.



The Pensions Regulator,
Napier House,
Trafalgar Place,
Brighton BN1 4DW

Pension Tracing Service

If you have lost track of a pension you can trace it by contacting the Pension Tracing Service online.

Tel: 0800 731 0193



Pension Tracing Service,
The Pension Service 9,
Mail Handling Site A,
Wolverhampton, WV98 1LU

For information about auto-enrolment, the government’s information website, has a section on workplace pension schemes.


For information about the State pension

Visit, the Government’s information website.


Financial Conduct Authority

The Financial Conduct Authority regulates the financial services industry in the UK and provides information for consumers about all aspects of financial planning, including how to find an adviser and what questions to ask.

Tel: 0800 111 6768


Independent Financial Advice

Neither Nestlé, nor the Trustee, can give you financial advice about your pension or investments. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek independent financial advice when considering your options.


This will give you a list of Independent Financial Advisers in your area.


MoneyHelper is a Government backed service which aims to make your money and pension choices clearer.

It provides guidance on your money and pensions, and can also point you to trusted services if you need more support.

You can find information about pensions and retirement on the MoneyHelper website.

Money Helper also includes Pension Wise which is a government service that offers free, impartial guidance about your defined contribution pension options.

An appointment with Pension Wise is free, will help you understand what your overall financial situation will be when you retire and could help you make important retirement decisions.

Read more about Pension Wise and book your free appointment through its dedicated section on the MoneyHelper website.